Hailey Bieber drastically changed her hairstyle and revealed a new look

The star cuts her long hair short.

The wife of Canadian singer Justin Bieber, model Hailey, decided to radically change her look.

The star has notably modernized her hairstyle. Previously, the model had long blond hair. However, Hailey seems to have grown tired of this length. The star therefore decided to cut her hair. But for a color change, Bieber’s wife is not likely to change color yet.

On Instagram, the model posted new photos in which she showed herself with a stylish braid. In the comments, fans couldn’t hold back and showered Hailey with compliments, writing that he looks amazing with his new hairstyle.

Just when I thought I couldn’t resist you and it couldn’t get any better, you prove I can.
When I look at you, I also want a haircut.

Hayley had a microcurrent last spring. The star claims it affected his mental health and made it worse.

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