Nicholson’s children announce the sad news

He did not recognize his relatives and did not want to leave the house. Nicholson’s children give this sad news.

More sad news from Hollywood! The heir to legendary Hollywood actor Jack Nicholson saddened fans of the star’s parents.

Turns out Nicholson has dementia. Jack has lost the ability to think straight. The actor does not recognize his relatives and does not leave the grounds of his mansion.

Nicholson is cared for by his heirs and a nurse. According to the star’s children, the actor is unable to orient himself in space and time and Nicholson has no memory of events in his life. Cheers, legendary actor,” he said.

“I am so sad to hear such news”, “I pray for you”, “How could this have happened?”.

He’s the greatest actor of all time,” “How unfair life is,” Nicholson fans wrote in the comments. Do you like the actor?

Recall that the actor is a three-time Oscar winner. Nicholson is considered one of the greatest actors of our time.

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