It looks amazing. The pastor built a tree house with his own hands

Currentlytourists come here to see his work.

The construction of this incredible house began in 1993 in the United States, when God appeared in a dream to a pastor named Horace Burgess, endowing him to create a massive convent. During this time, the pastor built a huge building more than 30 meters high, which had 80 rooms, a chapel, a bell tower as well as a basketball court.

As Burgess himself describes, he was motivated by God, who convinced him that there would be no obstacles with building materials.

As a result, the church minister built for his beloved wife a 10-story apartment with 80 rooms, a couple singing, a basketball court as well as a split lavish apartment on the top floor.

Horace happily showed everyone who was curious about his magnificent building, of which there was a decent amount. But in 2012, this celebration of life was disrupted. It was closed due to non-compliance with the fire safety control. This unfortunate incident prevented the pastor from carrying out the rest of his plans. That is to say, to build an extreme camp at home.

Burgess counted the majesty of his „creation“ and did everything to have the house listed in the Guinness Book of World Records as the largest tree planting in history. The pastor added that if someone decides to beat him up and do something like that, he will immediately come out and take a hammer to turn the disk over (meaning he will finish building the house).

Ten trees grow in the house, which serves as a support. Construction of the house continues to this day, but it is constantly damaged by barbarians.

Currently, tourists come here to see his work.

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