Newlyweds serve all their wedding party food to needy children

Tyler, 34, and Melanie, 27, from Ohio live in the town of Parma. They met in 2016 and fell in love from their first date.

In 2020, the young lovers decided to unite their lives and hearts forever.

The engaged couple prepared for the celebration of their wedding.

They bought very original wedding outfits, booked a romantic lodge, ordered a fancy wedding car, a large amount of food, including a lot of sweets, a DJ and other services.

And for all these wedding preparations, they had already paid in advance.

But a few days before their wedding party, the engaged couple received a phone call which announced that the room of their romantic party is closed because of the pandemic.

But since everything was ordered and paid for, the couple decided to do something else.

So Tyler and Melanie contacted a charity that ran Laura’s Home. It was a center for mothers with children.

Together with their relatives, the couple organized a small wedding ceremony in the garden of the bride’s grandfather.

And after all, they took the food to the center which housed more than 130 children.

The newlyweds went there dressed in their wedding outfits. They served the meal to everyone, with the help of the center’s workers.

They also received a warm welcome. And the dining room of the refuge was decorated in their honor.

The parents of the young spouses supported their children and were very happy with their charitable initiative.

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