A caring dad never lets his beloved daughter go without a fresh rose

Steve Adams, originally from Michigan, is 55 years old. The man is a loving father, but above all, he has a special and tender love for his daughter Cassi.

He is proud of his daughter, and father and daughter share a sweet, but strong bond.

Steve enjoys looking after the flower grower and always gifts his daughter with the adorable flowers he grows there.

Cassi got married a year ago and lives not far from her parents‘ house.

On the day of his daughter’s wedding party, the loving dad presented her with a wonderful bouquet of roses picked from his divine garden.

Seeing her in her white wedding dress, the father with a smiling face was very moved and he barely held back tears.

After the wedding, Cassi wrote on social media: “When a daughter has a father who won’t let her out of the house without pretty roses picked from his garden, she is adored and happy. »

Cassi always talks on the internet about the beautiful moments spent with her adorable dad.

Usually, Steve gives his daughter a pretty rose, red or white.

Each time, when she leaves her father’s house and gets into her car to leave, the father is always there, a fresh rose in his hand. He hands it to her before a kiss.

Usually the flowers are wrapped in a towel so that they do not get damaged.

This gesture is a great proof of the paternal love that fills Cassi’s heart with tenderness.

“My father is simply a nice man who is caring and tender towards those he loves.

He supported me during my studies and he encourages me when I undertake something, ”published the young woman on the Internet.

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