Shakira in tears showed her gravely ill father sitting in a wheelchair.

The scene Shakira kisses the bare feet of her sick father touched netizens

Perhaps, only a few are actually aware of the serious condition the eldest father of successful and commendable singer Shakira is in who can now move independently only with the help of a wheelchair and is currently in hospital. . No one could remain indifferent to the strong and inseparable bond between Shakira and her 91-year-old father when the devoted woman kissed her father’s feet, touching all his followers in the process.

“What a dedicated girl!” , “Everyone must dream of having such a benevolent heiress”, “Wow, Shakira”.

“I am happy that her father is 91 and still appreciates the presence of his daughter”, “What a touching and heartbreaking scene!” , “I burst into tears.”

“Such a devoted daughter!”, “I wish I had such grateful children.”

Did you know that Shakira’s father is already 91 years old?

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