These are Princess Diana’s parents and the tragic story of their divorce

Meet the Parents of ‚The Queen of People’s Hearts‘: Their Divorce Story

Princess Francis‘ mother was born in 1936 to a family of heiress to a baron and a friend of Elizabeth II. It is worth noting that Diana’s relationship with her mother was rather complicated.

She was unable to forgive her mother for a relatively long time.

John Spenser and Frances married as their parents decided. During their married life, the spouses had five children. However, the couple eventually had to divorce.

Soon Spenser decided to marry his love, and soon Frances met another man. According to the decision of the trial, the children should be left with the baron. Later, Diana made several attempts to communicate with her biological mother.

Unlike Diana, her mother Francis could treat her daughter rudely in public and was not tolerant.

In 2004, Francis died of Parkinson’s disease.

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